Friday, September 20, 2013

Proverbs 23:15-16 My cup runneth over!

Before I get started, I’m going to solicit your prayers for the latest additions to our extended family. Late last night, my niece, Amanda, delivered twins, Cole Samuel Royer (2 lb. 14 oz), and Ramona Grace Royer (2+ lbs). They were about a month early! Both babies are doing well in NICU and Mom is resting. I think Dad, Chris, is exhausted! Please pray for these teeny ones, that God would keep His hand on them as they grow quickly. Pray for rest and peace for Amanda and Chris and for my sister, Susie, Amanda’s mother, who is across the country wanting with all her heart to be there! Thank you, LORD, for these sweet babies!

Today’s verses are timely as they express a parent’s deepest desire:

My son, if your heart is wise,

    my heart too will be glad.  
My inmost being will exult

    when your lips speak what is right. (Proverbs 23:15-16)

This verse reminds me of the Apostle John’s exultation upon hearing news of one of his “children” in Christ:

For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth.  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John:3-4)

Even before our children are born, as soon as we know a baby is on the way, we begin to pray for them, and we begin to dream of all we want them to become. I was not a Christian before Molly was born, but she was the one who lead me to the LORD, because my deepest desire was that I raise her in the Truth. It was that thought that compelled me to search for God in truth. I knew that there could only be one Truth, and that, logically, not all religions could be true. So, I have always called Molly my “angel child” because she lead me to find, not a religion, but Jesus!

So it was my constant prayer as the girls were growing, that they would love the Truth, and that they would walk with the LORD all of their days. They loved Jesus from the time they were little, but I knew their biggest test would be when they actually left home for college. I knew they would have to make their faith their own. I still remember visiting Molly during her first year of college and seeing her so grounded in the Word, having committed herself to a great church, to wonderful Christian fellowship and Bible study. As we Don and I drove home from that visit I “exulted,” praising God the whole way home for Molly’s love for Christ.

And, as I watched Emmy, over and over in college, seek the LORD and His wisdom in her choices, I stood amazed at God’s faithfulness! When both girls married men who loved Jesus, too, I knew “no greater joy!”

So, today, my prayers are for little Cole and Ramona. May they grow in their knowledge of Christ, may they walk in His truth, and may they dedicate their lives to loving and serving our LORD. Thank you, LORD, for your faithfulness to Amanda and Chris as they welcome them into their family!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your faithful prayers for ME! And a great reminder to persist in those prayers for my little ones! I say "Amen!" to your prayers for Cole and Ramona.
