Monday, November 12, 2012

Immediate Prayer Needs!

Hello, dear friends! I am asking for prayers for my friend, Karen, who is having her kidney transplant this morning (Tuesday, 11/13/12) at UCLA. Her older daughter (and my former student), Kristen, is the donor, so we need to pray for both of them! Pray that God’s amazing peace will surround them, that the surgeons‘ hands will be skillful and sure, that the surgery and recovery will be miraculous, and that all of the personnel at the hospital will minister God’s love to them.

Continue to pray for my former student, Jacob, who just underwent his fourth round of chemo for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Pray that the tumor will be GONE when they perform the scans after Thanksgiving! Pray that Jacob, who turned 15 yesterday, will be strengthened and completely healed. Pray for his family, especially his mom, as they go through all of this with him.

Please pray that my sister Jodi will regain 100% of her strength. She keeps facing a new wave of problems, just as she comes up for air after the last one! She was taken to the ER last night after a day of vomiting.  They admitted her and are giving her massive antibiotics for a urinary tract infection!  She should be coming home today, but I know she is exhausted!  She continues to suffer pain from the shingles!

Finally, my husband, Don, was told last Friday that a biopsy on a mole on his arm proved that it is melanoma. It appears to be in early stages and merely superficial, thankfully! We see the surgeon next Friday to determine what needs to be done. Thank you!!! Please let me know how I can be praying for you!  

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