Thursday, March 20, 2014

Galatians 6:2-3 You’re not all that!

I love social media. I love the instant connectedness we can have with family and friends all over the world. I love that an army of believers can be mobilized to reach out to help or encourage another within a matter of minutes through Facebook or Instagram. I look forward daily to posts with pics of my grandchildren on IG (it’s the only reason I jumped in there. If you follow me on IG you will be waiting for an eternity to get a post).

But there are so many down sides to this instant communication, we need to tread carefully through it! One of the new words to come from this technology is the word “selfie.” Ye gads! The ability to take our own photos and send them out there for all to “enjoy,” has created a boom in narcissism!

Everyone wants his moment of glory online, whether through FB or YouTube. We are certain that everyone wants to or needs to know about our status. Even our President got into some PR trouble when capturing a selfie a few months ago! And Ellen De Generes made history at the Academy Awards with her selfie of the stars, who needed not one more bit of exposure! Our fascination with celebrities has fed this hunger to be known. We think we are all that! Well, Paul clearly points out in today’s verses that we are not all that as he continues to exhort the Galatians to walk in the Spirit.

Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. (Galatians 6:2-3)

Remember that this is in the context of helping those who have fallen to come back to a right relationship with God. Followers of Christ should be known for sharing their burdens with one another, for helping each other make our way through life. Not only does this mean we need to come along side of someone and help carry his burden, but we need to, in humility, allow others to help us carry ours.

If we are in the midst of a trial, we should be letting go of pride and allow brothers and sisters in Christ to support us. Whether this would be in sharing a prayer request, or actually asking for some real help, we deny ourselves the blessing of encouragement from God when we withdraw into our own private misery. Paul’s point here is that we need to be ready to humbly give and humbly receive. Because we are not so important that we can afford to put up walls of pride. And we are certainly not too important to help the “least of these” as Jesus clearly calls us to do! (Matthew 25:40)

Is there someone in your sphere who needs a lift with her burden? Look for opportunities to encourage someone God puts in your path today. Are you in need of a helping hand or encouraging word? Don’t be afraid to ask God’s people to help you through prayer or in some tangible way. You would be allowing that person the blessing of serving Christ through serving you! It’s all part of walking in the Spirit!  

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